If you live or work in Emsworth, and are over 16, please consider becoming a member of Emsworth CLT. The membership form can be downloaded. Membership forms and the fee of £1 can be put in an envelope and delivered to the Emsworth Community Centre.

This Centre is usually open on Monday to Friday (10.00 am – 12.00 noon) and the postal address is: Emsworth CLT, C/O Emsworth Community Centre, North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7DD. This is a one-off membership charge – it is not annual.

Please email us on info@emsworthclt.org.uk or write to us at the Community Centre if you want further information.

A copy of the Rules of the Society and Emsworth CLT’s policies on Membership, Code of conduct, GDPR/Data Protection can all be downloaded under the Documents section.​

Members of Emsworth CLT

Emsworth CLT is a membership model, meaning one member one vote. This means that all members of the CLT can have a direct influence on decision making.

This ensures that Emsworth CLT is democratic, supports community engagement and builds on the skills of all its members.


Emsworth CLT and the community

Emsworth CLT will always aim to work closely with other interested community organisations, including:

Friends of Emsworth Community Health
Emsworth Business Association
Emsworth Community Association
Emsworth Residents Association
Emsworth Alliance
Emsworth Churches Together

all of whom are represented on the committee of Emsworth CLT.