Good turnout at open day about YMCA Nursery, Youth and Community centre

July 14th, 2021 Posted in News

On Saturday July 10 many attended the open display where the YMCA Emsworth building is planned as a nursery, youth and community centre north of Emsworth by Redland Grange. Local Councillors Richard Kennett and Lulu Bowerman, as well as Cllr Tim Pike came along and at least 60 other people who wanted to know more about the plans.

All were invited to add comments and it was also possible to express an opinion on which of two possible layouts of the site was preferred.  There was a mixture of views from those strongly in favour of the plan and others who were firmly against it.  All the comments and feedback expressed will be collected, collated and later added to the website ymca

ECLT is working with the YMCA and many local community groups in assisting YMCA’s lead on this project. YMCA is committed to putting £1 million into the development fund for the building and has already successfully successfully applied for £200,000 from HBC’s CIL fund to be earmarked for this work. We will be working together to raise the remaining funding from national and local grant-making bodies, as well as inviting the local community to help ensure that we have a high-quality facility for the whole community.